Quiche Lorraine

All the fragrance of the authentic French culinary tradition in a flan for real connoisseurs: the quiche lorraine. It’s a classic dish that is now also widely made in Italian homes. With bacon, eggs, cream and a base of excellent shortcrust pastry you'll have either a first rate snack with drinks, a starter, or it can be eaten as a main course. It’s very easy to make using readily available ingredients from your fridge, with a simple but distinctive flavour. The classic quiche is made with the ingredients mentioned, but there are many versions, and you can choose the meat, vegetables and cheese which appeal to you, just use your imagination and you’ll be able to create any combination of flavours you desire. So, let’s prepare this fantastic dish together with the indispensable help of our chef and his video and photos; they show every little detail, avoiding any mistakes. It’ll be a breeze!


50 minutes Total time
30 minutes Active time
Serves 6 persons
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Blanch the pancetta in boiling water for 10 minutes. Grate the cheese. Beat the eggs with the cream and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Roll out the shortcrust pastry or buy some ready-made and put it in a flan dish or cake tine lined with baking parchment on the bottom and buttered sides. Sprinkle the bottom with bacon, then cheese, then pour in the egg and cream mixture. Bake at 180 °C for 30 minutes.

For a vegetarian option, replace the pancetta with courgette. But you can make it with many ingredients: cheese, vegetables, cold meats and salamis ... it's something to make when you have no idea what to cook. Quiche lorraine can be served warm or at room temperature. You can either prepare the shortcrust pastry at home or buy it ready-made.
Quiche lorraine is a dish from the region of Lorraine, in north eastern France. The word ‘quiche’ comes from the German term ‘kuchen’ meaning cake. Quiche lorraine has become an item on menus all over the world.

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