
bitter cocoa

Placed on the index for a long period, since it was not considered particularly healthy, over the last few years cocoa has been the subject of an important revaluation, which even indicates it as a food that contains an important quantity of polyphenols, capable of counteracting the free radicals, also reducing the risk of being victims of heart attacks. Obtained from a drupe that grows on the plant of the same name, cocoa is an absolute protagonist of the kitchen when it comes to the preparation of desserts, where it reigns supreme also due to the appreciation given to it by the little ones.

Use in cooking

There is no dessert recipe that cannot be declined in a delicious cocoa-based variant: cakes, croissants, sandwiches and pastries are just some of the examples of how this ingredient can be used.


The preservation of bitter cocoa must take place in a cool, dry and finally ventilated environment.


Cocoa contains a large quantity of polyphenols, natural allies against the onset of heart attack risk factors.

Recipe list