Baked Bolognese rice

Baked Bolognese rice - ‘Sartù di Riso’ - is an ancient dish, native to the Naples area of Italy. If there's one thing that everyone in Naples agrees upon, rich or poor, it’s the importance of good food. Rice is a real must in Neapolitan cuisine. Loved by the Neapolitans, by the Aragonese and the French, it has always played an important role, and in ‘Sartù’ it looks so delicious and attractive, and is also extremely versatile. You could add just about anything to the rice: the result is a flavour either more or less delicate depending on whether it is filled with ham and mozzarella or provolone cheese with spicy sausage. Try it yourself: pick different ingredients to make it more or less rich and spicy!


90 minutes Total time
30 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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Chop the onion and fry in a little olive oil. Add the rice and coat in the hot oil. Deglaze with white wine and let it reduce. Add the stock and peas and begin to cook. When the rice is almost cooked, add the Bolognese sauce. Take off the heat, add the Parmesan and a raw egg. Line a baking tray with breadcrumbs. Pour half of the rice into the tray, level well, then layer with mozzarella, chopped boiled eggs and ham. Cover with the remaining rice. Level well again, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and add a few knobs of butter. Bake for 30 minutes at 180°C.

Do not cut into the baked rice immediately after you remove from the oven: let rest a few moments so that it is firmer.
The name Sartù comes from the French ‘surtout’, that is literally, ‘above all’. This name indicates that you could add just about anything ‘above’, or over, the rice.

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