Italian omelette with courgettes and herbs

We don’t know if you agree, but we think the best and most appetising food is the simplest. Recently we were in the garden where we collected all the herbs that we had planted this year and, with two courgettes and four eggs, in next to no time we had made a fabulous Italian omelette! In our opinion, the popular and simple Italian omelette, or ‘frittata’, is one of those classics that rescues dinner-time when the fridge contains only two eggs and an onion. But it is not just a recipe for saving you when in desperate need, but rather it is an ideal snack during a working day or when out taking a long weekend walk ... And why not enjoy it as a filling for a sandwich? A simple Italian omelette turns into a something interesting and unusual thanks to the use of natural and flavoursome wild herbs, giving a stronger and more satisfying taste to this classic dish!


15 minutes Total time
Serves 3 persons
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Get all the herbs you have available in the garden, clean and rinse them thoroughly. Take 2 courgettes and cut them into julienne strips first, and then into pieces 1 cm long. Beat 4 eggs with a pinch of salt and the coarsely chopped herbs. In a frying pan, sauté the courgettes with a little oil and after about 3 minutes add the beaten eggs and then mix well. Cook on one side for about 5 minutes and then turn the omelette over and cook for another 2 minutes. Your Italian omelette is ready, light and delicious!

To make the most of your dinner of Italian omelette with courgette and herbs, you should uncork a nice bottle of Verdicchio dei Colli di Jesi.
Courgettes differ in one particular way to other light vegetables, thanks to their very high water content, making them very easy to digest.

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