Spaghetti with prawn sauce

Making fish recipes are some of the easiest: the less the fish is tampered with, the better. This is one of those recipes: here the seafood - the prawns - are cooked very simply in a pan with a clove of garlic, some good olive oil and some very ripe tomatoes. No spices and sauces are added so as to spoil the wonderful aroma and taste of the sea that the prawns contain within them. Alongside this simplicity of approach there is a touch of sophistication: we hope you are captivated by the character of the spaghetti made with cuttlefish ink and the creaminess of the base made with delicately steamed seasonal vegetables. Last but not least, don’t forget that the shrimp must be really fresh, fragrant and firm. Otherwise, this fabulous dish will just not be the same.


30 minutes Total time
15 minutes Active time
Serves 2 persons
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Clean the potatoes, shallots and leeks, and cook until tender in a steamer basket. Meanwhile, clean the prawns, taking care to remove their intestines. Wash and halve the tomatoes. Brown the garlic in a frying pan with in a little olive oil. Add the tomatoes, then the prawns. Deglaze with some white wine. Season with salt and add the parsley. Once the vegetables are cooked, put them in a blender and blitz with a drizzle of oil. Cook the spaghetti in the same water that you used to steam the vegetables. Once cooked, drain and toss in pan with the prawn and tomato sauce. Serve the pasta on a bed of creamed vegetables and place a few prawns on top to garnish.

Black spaghetti from cuttlefish or squid ink, just like the ‘riso Venere’ which is also black, goes perfectly with seafood, both from the point of view of the contrast in colours and on account of its flavour. So make your seafood risotto or pasta dish with ink flavoured carbohydrates, perhaps combined with a few fresh, mature and colourful cherry tomatoes.
Along the back of all prawns is a black filament: this is the prawn’s intestine. Take a small paring knife and remove it. It may not seem like much, but that little filament can ruin the whole dish.

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