Potato patties on a base of Montasio cheese fondue

The greatest satisfaction for a real lover of creative cooking is to create a new dish for a special occasion, especially if you can make something really different to spice up a party for your guests, serving a tasty and delicious recipe capable of adding to the character of a joyous event spent in good company. That's why today we suggest something to make as a starter for Easter dinner: it’s not really traditional, but rather creates a meeting point between different regional cuisines and their various flavours: so, how about a lovely potato patty with Montasio cheese fondue? In this combination of taste and attractive colours, just right for Easter, you will find that exotic element to make this entrée quite unique, and perfect for sharing with your honoured guests.


30 minutes Total time
Serves 2 persons
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Cut the potatoes into large cubes and sauté in hot oil with a garlic clove to flavour. Salt almost immediately and cook until they have softened, adding a little water. Cook well, adding the paprika and saffron together with some water. When they are ready, mash with a pestle. Prepare the fondue as follows: grate some Parmesan and montasio cheese and mix with the milk and egg yolk, salting lightly and adding a little pepper and nutmeg. Transfer this mixture to a saucepan over a low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk until it has all melted and combined, making sure the fat doesn’t separate from the liquid and without curdling the egg. When the fondue is ready, heat the potatoes a little and form patties with a suitable mould. Add a bed of fondue to a shallow dish and place the potato patty on the fondue. I decorated the patties by placing them in a basket of parmesan, sprinkled lightly with paprika.

Should you wish to give a twist to this dish, mix your potato patty with some other vegetables sautéed to your liking.
Montasio is a cheese made in the region between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto: it can be obtained on the market fresh, or at various stages of maturity.

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