Potato Pie

You are probably looking for the ideal dish to delight both your vegetarian and non-vegetarian friends and family? Potato pie is just the recipe and, possibly, will also encourage children into the world of cooking. The dish is enriched by the presence of many vegetables. It is perfect to make as an appetizer or you can take it with you for a special picnic. With healthy and tasty ingredients like peppers, aubergines, tomatoes, courgettes and onions you can’t go wrong and you will delight your guests. What are you waiting for? Make potato pie with us, following our tips and by consulting the photo gallery!


60 minutes Total time
35 minutes Active time
Serves 4 persons
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Cut all the vegetables into 1/2 cm slices. Boil the potato slices for a few minutes, then put the pieces of butter in a baking dish and make a layer of potato slices. Add salt and then make another layer of tomato slices. Continue to layer with onion, courgettes, and aubergine (first having salted it to release its liquid) and then a layer of peppers. Repeat this layering and finally sprinkle well with breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese here and there and dot with pieces of butter. Leave in the oven at 180 °C for 35 minutes, of which the last 5 minutes should be under the grill.

If you don’t like the vegetables that we chose for our recipe, we suggest you try the potato pie with others, for example, artichokes.
Potatoes contain a large amount of starch and offer a viable substitute for cereals in low-calorie diets. The ‘juice’ of the potato is also indicated in cases where you suffer from constipation, gastritis, gastro duodenal ulcers and gallstones.

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