Steamed mussels with tomato sauce

This appetizer is the perfect way to start a fish supper in style! Get yourself some lovely fresh mussels and start work! Unlike the classic sautéed mussels, these mussels are steamed and are accompanied by a fabulous sauce made from fresh tomatoes, which bring the recipe to life. Obviously, there are two essentials in making this recipe absolutely perfect: buy fresh mussels and very ripe, juicy tomatoes. Combine with some black olives, highest quality extra virgin olive oil and, if you like, a few leaves of basil, and you will get a lovely fragrant sauce and one balanced in terms of flavour. For the rest, cooking the mussels is really simple, and really you could do it on your own. The only important point is cleaning the mussels, which obviously should be done impeccably!


20 minutes Total time
5 minutes Active time
Serves 3 persons
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Boil the mussels with garlic and parsley. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce with diced tomatoes, olives, lemon juice and olive oil. Drain the mussels and put them on a plate, pour over the sauce and add a grinding of pepper.

Remember not to "force" open mussels that do not want to open. If it does not open whilst cooking, throw it away! You must not eat any mussels that don’t want to open!
Did you know that a mussel takes about nine months to grow, while a clam may even take two years? They are quite sophisticated organisms.

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