Chicken Yakitori

Today we present a recipe for chicken prepared in a "yakitori" style. These are the famous Japanese kebabs, made by marinating and seasoning the meat with a delicate sauce made from various ingredients such as lime, soy sauce, sake, mirin, sesame seeds, brown sugar and a pinch of chilli pepper. It’s a very tasty recipe, and most importantly very easy to make, allowing you to make chicken in a rather different way, adding an exotic touch to your dinner and yet spending very little money. You can adapt this recipe for pork: the result will also be delicious, and it’s guaranteed that all your guests will enjoy it. The yakitori sauce is delicately aromatic, and gives an almost caramelized effect to the chicken meat. Be sure to accompany your chicken Yakitori kebabs with a large glass of beer, perhaps even a Japanese variety.


45 minutes Total time
Serves 2 persons
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Take the chicken breast and cut it into 2cm cubes. Transfer to a bowl and marinate for 30 minutes with the soy sauce, a few drops of lime juice and a little of its grated zest. Finely chop up one or more fresh chillies and add the sesame seeds. While the chicken is marinating, make the yakitori sauce. Put one part sake, one part mirin, two and a half parts soy sauce and 5 teaspoons of sugar in a bowl. Heat in a microwave or a saucepan until the sugar has dissolved completely. After 30 minutes of marinating, take the pieces of chicken and put them on some kebab skewers, then sprinkle the skewers of meat with the sesame seeds and chili. Heat a griddle or a frying pan with a flat bottom and grease it with some oil. Now brown the skewers on each side, basting from time to time with the yakitori sauce until they are cooked. Serve piping hot in a dish together with the remaining sauce.

Don’t overdo the chilli: the kebabs should be spicy and aromatic, but not too hot. If you make them relatively mild you’ll also be able to give them to your children! Another tip: why not plan an entire dinner of kebabs? You can accompany your chicken kebabs with ones full of fun vegetables, and finish your dinner with a dessert of colourful fruit and chocolate kebabs. Transform a dinner invitation to one of pure fun!
In Japanese cuisine the term Yakitori refers to skewered chicken. In Japan you can find ‘standing only’ restaurants exclusively defined as "Yakitori", serving mainly chicken - and sometimes pork - in the form of marinated kebabs. The originality lies in the fact that you can choose which part of the animal you prefer, and then design kebabs consisting of just thigh, drumstick, breast or whatever.

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