Meat pie

On the forthcoming St. Patrick’s day, a festival that gives us the annual opportunity to sample specialties belonging to the Irish-American tradition, we took our inspiration from Irish cuisine to create an interesting and unusual specialty, a delicious and very tasty meat pie. You’re probably aware of the famous steak and Guinness pie, with its two well-known ingredients, or possibly even the steak and kidney pie, but be aware that the ‘meat pie’ represents a milestone for everyone who enjoys the traditions of Celtic cuisine. So here, just for you, our special version, which must always to be served with a nice cool glass of stout, to celebrate the wonderful festival of St. Patrick's Day. So, start licking your chops in the company of your guests: they will sit at your feet in adulation for serving up a dinner like the one we suggest today!


20 minutes Total time
40 minutes Active time
Serves 6 persons
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In a thick-bottomed pan brown the diced bacon and onion for 5 minutes in a little oil. Add the meat and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring often to avoid creating lumps in the mince. Add the stock, then the flour and tomato puree. Add the Worcestershire sauce, the mixed herbs and mustard. Let everything cook uncovered so as to reduce most of the liquid, but not all. Roll out some ready-made puff pastry on a baking tray, prick with a fork and brush the edges with lightly beaten egg. Pour in the meat mixture. Cover the pie with the second roll of dough and press down the edges to seal. Make 4 cuts in the centre to allow steam to escape and brush the rest of the egg over the surface. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for about 40 minutes. Remove from the oven when the pie is golden and crisp.

To make your delicious meat pie, choose minced beef that is particularly low in fat.
This meat pie belongs to the Celtic culinary tradition: although according to some people it comes to us via Australia, its origins are Irish.

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